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Now MedClinic is committed to your overall health and wellbeing.
Our Vitality Now Kit is the perfect product for this goal. Practically a fountain of youth in a box, this kit is focused around the beneficial effects of SERMORELIN, NALTREXONE and our LIPO-TRIM SL to increase your overall experience of life and wellness. Optional kit products are also available and listed below.
KIT Products
This peptide is an FDA approved bioidentical version of the naturally occurring growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) and contains 29 amino acids. GHRH stimulates the production and release of human growth hormone (HGH) by the pituitary gland. This increased production of HGH causes an increased production in Insulin-like Growth Factor 1(IGF1.) Sermorelin takes roughly 3-6 months for optimal results, although changes in body composition have be noted after 5 weeks.
Benefits May Include
Available as: Nightly injection / 300mcg
Leaner Body Mass
Faster Recovery
Accelelerated Healing
Improved Sleep Quality
Increased Strength
Risks May Include
Rare: Pain, swelling or redness at injection site.
Headache, flushing, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, sleepiness, nausea, vomiting, pale skin, hives and chest tightness.
FDA approved and trustworthy enough for treatment of those recovering from drug and alcohol addictions, Naltrexone blocks endorphin receptors in the brain to help curb cravings. It is not a narcotic and is not intended to cure addictions, but rather to assist in curbing cravings and desires once the habit has been kicked.
Benefits May Include
Available as: Oral Capsule / 1.5mg nightly
Risks May Include
Rare: Nausea, headache, dizziness, anxiety, tiredness, trouble sleeping.
Mild opiate withdrawal symptoms, abdominal cramps, restlessness, bone/joint pain, muscle aches and runny nose.
Reduced Hunger
Curbed Cravings
Decreased Insulin Levels
Enhanced Fat Burning
Mental Clarity
A combination of B-vitamins and amino acids for turning fat into energy, reducing appetite and maintaining a healthy weight by supporting digestive and immune health.
Benefits May Include
Available as: Oral Sublingual Spray / 1ml (6sprays
Reduced Cravings
Increased Metabolism
Improved Immunity
Improved Lipolysis
Risks May Include
Rare: Muscle/Joint pain, diarrhea and upset stomach
Breakdown of skeletal muscle, kidney failure, dark urine, shortness of breath, nausea, itching, tired feeling, dark urine.
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*Requires medical clearance consult with our provider.*